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Human natural Vision vs VR vision

The human FoV is 270° horizontally and 170° vertically. The FoV consists of central vision for small objects identification and peripheral vision for situational awareness. In addition, once change in peripheral vision is triggered, we also move our eyes before rotating the head and that’s why in real live we use so wide FoV of 270°x170° as detailed below:

Visual Acuity test and pixel per degree PPD equivalence in Virtual Reality

As for visual fidelity, VR should reach sharpness serving people with Normal vision such that they can’t distinguish between real and virtual object. The normal vision is equivalent to 60 pixels per degree [ppd]. Those day VR is reaching 21ppd wit h2.16K fast LCDs, while the technology by Hypervision allows to reach 40ppd with demonstrated 3.84K fast LCDS and could be extended over 60ppd with appropriate displays.


130° + 15°up + 25°down = 170°


210° + 30°right + 30°left = 270°

Do you know that to keep driving license the driver's eyes should have at least 140° horizontal visual field ???

(people with Glaucoma are loosing their peripheral vision)


Do you think that it is legitimate to teach driving in regular VR headset with horizontal FoV in range 80° - 120° ???

(learning driving in limited FoV VR is making "lazy peripheral vision" since it is not stimulated)


The VISION of the Hypervision is to develop technology for VR/XR where reality and virtuality is indistinguishable. While those days we are working to approach 20/20 visual acuity in VR (learn more in products sectionthe field of view challenge is already resolved, see details in VRDom architecture section.

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